Download our free Furnishings Investment Guide
for Airbnb Superhosts
(… and those who want to be!)

Learn what you can expect to pay for the quality you are looking for


Whether you have worked with a design professional before or not, home and property owners are often held back from making necessary upgrades because they aren’t sure what it will cost. This guide will act as a cheat sheet so you can make informed budgetary decisions before you call a designer or step foot into a furniture showroom. Turn your listed vacation rental into an “A”-listed property and still keep costs within your comfort zone. Sign up below!



In this guide, you will learn …

  • Furnishing needs and costs room by room

  • How designers conserve costs for the highest ROI when procuring home furnishing and decor

  • How the philosophy of Interior design for the luxury vacation rental industry can positively influence your profit margin