What is your refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of our products and services, all sales are final. After a 24-hour period from the time of purchase, no refunds will be issued. We truly believe in giving more than receiving and each of our products and services is designed by keeping this core principle in mind. The prices are intentionally kept reasonably low in price as compared to market value to give you the tools and information you need at an affordable price.
Are all of your packages customizable?
All packages are custom! Products such as our shop-the-look collections are as-is; however, you are free to determine the products you would like to purchase from the shopping guide. It is simply a resource to help you quickly put together a look you love!
Do you require any contracts or written agreements?
We will provide a written contract and letter of agreement for all professional consultations and services. Our customers are valued and protected with the utmost care as indicated in our legal documents.
Do you serve clients internationally?
We focus on providing our services to customers within the continental United States.
Can I see samples of your work?
Please feel free to peruse our Projects pages here on the website! We update our portfolio pictures regularly, so come back often for the latest images of our work!!
Do you ever serve clients in person?
Our in-person services are limited to customers in the Southern California area.