Design 101: Using Color to Inspire Emotion at Home


When a designer starts a new project, they often ask their client how they want the room to feel.

That may seem a nebulous question to some. But along with how the space will be used, the “feel” of the room is one of the highest considerations we have to take into account.

  • Do you want the space to spark creativity?

  • Encourage focus and concentration?

  • Calm and soothe after a long day?

  • Energize conversation?


Some of this will be addressed by the style preferences of the client. But a big influence on how emotions come into play in an interior is the element of color.

Here’s a glimpse of how you can use color to give each space the right feel for you.



Creating Cozy, Comfortable, Yet Colorful Rooms

The warm earth tones of red, orange, and yellow are ideal for making a space feel cozy. Think of a wood-paneled gentlemen’s study with plush leather chairs, or the interior of a mountain cabin.

Here’s a caveat, though.

Care should be exercised with oranges and yellows. When too vibrant they can spark irritability!

But soft, rich shades of these warm colors can be very soothing. They are wonderful in a dining room, den, living room - anywhere you want to feel homey and relaxed.



Evoking Emotion While Infusing Impact & Energy

Selecting saturated colors in combination with their complementary colors introduces energy and impact into a space.

Complementary colors are hues that are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green, or blue and yellow.

This combination is great for a space where you want to be productive such as a busy kitchen or a home office. Adding plant specimens and natural objects as decor to balance the color softens edges wonderfully.



Soothing a Space with Less Saturated, Subtle Shades

Soft tints in cool colors (those in the blue and green categories) and pale neutrals are ideal for restorative zones such as the bed and bath.

Keeping the color palette simple in these areas and clutter to a minimum creates an emotionally soothing space. Think of your local spa and the color ranges you expect to see there.



Both color and its level of saturation have a definite influence on our emotions as well as our behaviors. Marketing firms have been using color psychology on consumers for years!

When deciding how you want your next room project to feel, take these tips to heart and create an interior that appeals to all the senses! You’ll be amazed at how much color influences you there!



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