How to Upgrade Your Exterior for Maximum Curb Appeal

Driving up to a vacation rental with a stunning exterior is a lovely confirmation you booked a luxury getaway. The view instantly elevates your mood and promises a memorable stay. A pristine facade, lush landscaping, and meticulous details create an alluring charm that makes guests feel both pampered and intrigued. Today, I’ll share a few expert tips for designing, building, staging, or styling a property’s exterior to attract the high-end clients you are hoping for.


white Georgian front entrance with wreath hanging on polished black front door.

Tip #1: Enhance the Home with Exterior Paint & Update the Main Door

The exterior of a vacation rental can collect dirt and grime over time, often without notice. To maintain a fresh and inviting look, consider power washing the exterior or applying a
new coat of paint. Focus especially on the front door—painting it an elegant shade or a
bold, welcoming color can significantly elevate the property’s appeal and make a lasting
impression on guests.


overhead shot of well-landscaped home displaying great curb appeal

Tip #2: Add Layers of Lighting & Attend to the Front Yard Landscaping

Sophisticated lighting is crucial for creating a welcoming and luxurious exterior. Incorporate
layered lighting, such as pathway lights, elegant sconces, and spotlights to showcase architectural features.

For landscaping, opt for plants and flowers that enhance the property’s aesthetics without overwhelming it. Adding vibrant, seasonal flowers can provide a touch of elegance and charm that appeals to high-end clients.


Front porch painted bue to match home exterior walls, styled with cute rattan furniture and swing

Tip #3: Transform it with Window Treatments & Tasteful Exterior Decor

Window treatments visible from the outside should be chosen with care to maintain a
tasteful appearance. Enhance the entryway with upscale decor like a chic welcome mat,
stylish potted plants, a modern mailbox, or elegant house numbering. Outdoor seating
with plush throws and cushions can also create a cozy and inviting space that guests
will love.


Up-angled shot of home with yellow and white siding and flowering shrubs in foreground

Enhancing your vacation rental’s exterior is about paying attention to the finer details and
ensuring regular upkeep. By following these tips, you can transform your property into a
high-end haven that attracts discerning clients, creating an exterior that impresses
guests and promises an unforgettable stay.



If you’re ready to prepare your home — inside and out — for the best return on investment,

let’s talk! I’d love to help you increase the value of your rental asset!


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