Joyce Anderson Interiors

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3 Ways Your Home Can Help You Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions

The Holidays can be a hotbed of activity, celebration, and crazy fun, can’t they? They can also take one through the gambit of emotions as we reflect on events of the passing year, take stock of the things that worked well and the things that didn’t, and try to set ourselves up for success in the fresh new year.

The design of our homes can contribute to our sense of empowerment and confidence to face the future when it is well-appointed with thoughtful storage systems. What Mom said about “a place for everything and everything in its place,” is not only a sing-songy phrase to teach our children, but a secret weapon for all who want to up their game and improve their chances for success.

Here are three design ideas that can support some of the most common New Year’s resolutions! Maybe you’ll recognize one or two!

1.) Good Design Can Decrease Stress & Give You Back Control

Anytime there is vacant wall space you aren’t sure what to do with, consider adding storage. Organization will save you time and bring a sense of calm to your home.

Built-in cabinets and shelving are a beautiful way to store items at their point of first use, taking the stress out of hunting for the things you need. You wouldn’t think of having a kitchen without cabinets! Family rooms, dining rooms, media rooms, game rooms, and of course, bedrooms would all benefit from the practicality and customization of built-ins.

Bonus: When everybody knows where items in that room are stored, and the storage is just steps away, family members may be silently encouraged to declutter. Less nagging, more peace. Win-win. … Win ...

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2.) Good Design Can Make Room for Daily Meditation & Mindfulness

Everybody has a different interpretation of mindfulness. Maybe it is having a space that is designated for reading or study. Maybe you want a place to practice prayer or meditation. Many are opting for rooms that are completely tech-free so they can be more present for the people they are with. Your home design can support these types of activities with centers for reflection and quiet, a hobby, or meaningful interaction.

3.) Good Design Can Propel Your Desire for More Physical Activity

More exercise is on almost everybody’s Resolution list, right? Physical activity doesn’t have to mean joining that gym for the umpteenth January First! What do you love doing that gets you moving? Is it time to dust off the Peloton? Take a walk in your favorite park? Spread out the yoga mat?

If you want to move more in the coming year, find ways to make it convenient. Placement can help. (It’s not the prettiest decoration in our bedroom, but my stationary bike is in a corner across from our bed. Every morning after I make the bed, my new habit is to jump right on the bike.)

There are other ways to provide inspiration through your home design, like having an arrangement of wall art that motivates you to get some steps in.

Whatever you choose, allow your home to be your habit advocate through design, convenient storage, and light control.

New Years' Resolutions are easy to write down, but also easy to give up on! Preparing the way ahead of time by creating a home environment that supports those goals can make it much easier to maintain all your good intentions! Put some thought into how you want your home to work for you and give yourself a leg-up to the success you want to see in the new year!

Need help planning your home for good habits, daily joy, and everything you want most? Let's talk.
