Joyce Anderson Interiors

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How We Blend Old Pieces with New Ideas into Personal & Purposeful Designs

Do you ever find yourself confused about your design style? Do you absolutely love the charm of vintage treasures but can't resist the appeal of contemporary trends? Or maybe you have a special place in your heart for some cherished antiques? Read on as we embark on a journey of curation that seamlessly blends the old and the new in a beautifully collected design. Let’s dive in!

Tip #1: Intention is Everything in Collected Design

In the world of interior design, every piece you introduce into the space matters. It's not simply about how things look; it's also about functionality, as well as the emotions and stories they carry. I always encourage clients to design based on the feeling they want to evoke rather than sticking to a strict design aesthetic. What's the purpose of the room and how can we serve that purpose? And, how do you want it to make you and your household feel in it?

Choosing items that resonate with the mood you want to establish takes discipline and intention. It's not about randomly picking things; it's about curating a collection that tells a story and brings a specific atmosphere to life. Whether it's repurposing a family heirloom or selecting a trendy new piece, it should all serve a purpose and contribute to the overall vibe you're aiming for.

Tip #2: Rules Should Be Followed in Eclectic Design

Now, you've probably heard that in design, rules are meant to be broken. While that's true to some extent, when it comes to blending old and new elements, a bit of restraint can go a long way. Mixing different styles, eras, and aesthetics can create a dynamic and visually pleasing space, but it's crucial to find some common ground.

For instance, in a neutral space, it's often a good idea to introduce small splashes of color through carefully chosen decor items or artwork. This helps strike a balance between the old and the new without overwhelming the eye. Carry those splashes throughout the room with something large - like a chair, to something medium - like a throw pillow, to something small - like a tabletop accessory. This will bring cohesion to the space. It's all about finding that perfect equilibrium.

Tip #3: Texture is a Powerful Tool in Blended Design

When you're dealing with antiques, flea market finds, and family heirlooms, texture becomes your best friend. While color certainly has its place, it's the texture that adds depth and dimension to the composition. To help achieve that cohesive look in a collected design, consider creating a room that's rich in a variety of textures.

Mix and match different materials and finishes. Incorporate sumptuous fabrics, weathered wood, and sleek metals and stone. The visual variety in textures will create a sense of harmony, even if your pieces come from different eras or design styles.

In conclusion, blending old and new in your interior design can result in a truly unique and captivating space. Remember, intentionality is the key – design with a purpose and emotion in mind. While you can certainly bend some rules in eclectic design, don't forget to find those common elements that can act like the glue that ties everything together. Remember to embrace the power of texture to bring that quality of depth to your collected design.

Ready to get to work designing a space that is both meaningful and yet blissfully modern? That's our specialty. Reach out and tell us about your design needs!
